A Hack to Totally Change Your Youth Group and Youth Led Chaos (with special guest Ed Sowden)

Chris and Tom welcome Ed Sowden from Bathurst Presbyterian to talk about youth group. Ed has a revolutionary way of doing things that turns youth group upside down. Tom let his youth run youth group and joyful chaos ensued. Chris got his nails done and had a spa evening.

Also if you want to be a guest, email us: chrisandtomsyouthgrouppodcast@gmail.com

Get more podcast resources at https://tomfrench.com.au/youthgrouppodcast

Find more from Chris at https://chrismorphew.com and from Tom at https://tomfrench.com.au. And see Ed's youth group at https://www.instagram.com/bxyouth
A Hack to Totally Change Your Youth Group and Youth Led Chaos (with special guest Ed Sowden)
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